Expert Brick Pointing Contractor

If the mortar around your bricks is eroding, don’t delay. Trust the masonry experts at Union Roofing, the number one brick pointing contractor in Philadelphia, PA, and Wildwood, NJ. We can enhance and preserve your home or workplace.

What is Brick Pointing?

Brick pointing refers to the process of filling mortar joints in masonry. Water, wind, and pollution can erode mortar, forming spaces around the adjoining bricks where water can seep in.

Moreover, mortar can crack and peel as a building’s foundation settles, again allowing water to collect. Crumbling, weathered mortar not only mars the appearance of your home or office, but it can also lead to serious problems.

If you need a reputable brick pointing contractor, contact Union Roofing. We have extensive experience with residential and commercial masonry projects. Our licensed contractors provide first-rate work at affordable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Benefits of Brick Repointing

Is the mortar around your bricks weathered or starting to crumble? Besides improving the appearance of your home or workplace, brick repointing effectively guards against further damage. Here’s how:  

  • Protection against structural damage that results from widening cracks or decaying joints
  • Protection from weather-related damage, especially from water that can seep into walls
  • Protection from mold and fungus, both of which grow rapidly in moist, unsealed conditions
  • Protection from insects that can burrow through holes and cracks, then lay their eggs in the walls
Expert Brick Pointing Contractor